
保标招标 > 蔬菜种植 > 招标信息 > canteen materials and others supply project 2024.7.1-2026.6.30公开招标采购公告

canteen materials and others supply project 2024.7.1-2026.6.30公开招标采购公告

· 2024-05-14
项目名称: Canteen Materials and Others Supply Project 2024.7.1-2026.6.30 项目编号: 241GA0231654
项目地址: 加纳 项目类型: 货物
采购方式: 公开招标
项目行业分类: 住宿和餐饮业 资金来源: 企业自筹
项目概况: 给深能安所固电力(加纳)有限公司供应蔬菜、水果、水产、肉类、杂项等食堂物资。2024.7.1-2026.6.30食堂及其他物资供应项目Canteen Materials and Others Supply 2024.7.1-2026.6.301、投标人必须自有农场或超市;1. The bidder must own a farm or supermarket;2、投标人需为加纳注册的公司;2. The bidder must be a company registered in Ghana;3、投标人可以接受预扣税和月结;3. Bidders can accept withholding tax and monthly settlement;4、投标人需需要提供VAT发票。4. Bidders need to provide VAT invoices.具体要求见技术协议。See the technical agreement for specific requirements.
公告名称: Canteen Materials and Others Supply Project 2024.7.1-2026.6.30公开招标采购公告 公告发布媒体 深圳阳光采购平台,中国招投标公共服务平台
公告开始时间: 2024-05-14 16:01
公告信息: 1.Sunon Asogli Power (Ghana) Limited Company intends to hold a tender project for food and miscellaneous suppliers, site and products required for supply as indicated below:Tender Project: Tender for Food and Miscellaneous SuppliersSite: Sunon Asogli Power (Ghana) Limited Company.Products Required for Supply: Meat, Seafood, Vegetable,Fruit, Miscellaneous.2. Sunon Asogli Power (Ghana) Limited Company invites sealed bids from all eligible Bidders licensed and registered in Ghana as a supplier for the above-mentioned intent.3. Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from Sunon Asogli Power (Ghana) Limited Company by contacting Mr. Zhu (TEL+233 540 111826) through email zhuhaoran@sec.com.cn or Miss Akosua Serwaah Akoto (TEL+233 243 600824) through email akosuaakoto@sec.com.cn by calling between 8:00 am to 12:00 pm or 14:00 pm to 17:00 pm, starting from the date of advert to 15th May, 2024.4. A complete set of Bid Documents in English may be inspected and purchased by interested Bidders upon payment of a non-refundable fee of (GHS800.00(Eight Hundred Ghana Cedis) at office room 110 of Sunon Asogli Power (Ghana) Limited Company, Asogli Plant, Kpone, near Tema, in the Greater Accra Region, between 8:00 am to 12:00 pm and 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm, starting from the date of 10th May to 15th May, 2024.5. Bids shall be available for Sixty days (60days) after bids opening and must be accompanied by a Bid Security of GHS100,000.00 (One Hundred Thousand Ghana Cedis).6. Bids shall be accompanied by the following documents:a) Copy of Certificate of Incorporation of the Bidder.b) Copy of Certificate for Commencement of Business of the Bidder.c) Brief introduction of Bidder.d) Bidding Documents.Bids not accompanied by any of the above-listed documents will be declared non-responsive.7. Bids must be delivered to Office Room 110, Ground Floor, Sunon Asogli Power (Ghana) Limited Company, Asogli Plant, Kpone, near Tema, in the Greater Accra Region, not later than 10:00 am on 30th May, 2024. Late bids will be rejected.
公告附件: 公告-FAA Tender Biding Invitation Letter 2024-05-09.doc
标段/包名称: Canteen Materials and Others Supply Project 2024.7.1-2026.6.30 标段/包编号: 241GA0231654/01
报价方式: 其他 采购控制价(元): 9000000
评审办法: 综合评估法 开启形式: 线下开启
投标/响应文件: 线下递交
联合体投标: 不允许
交货期(天): 730 交货期说明: 2024.7.1-2026.6.30
招标/采购范围: 给深能安所固电力(加纳)有限公司供应蔬菜、水果、水产、肉类、杂项等食堂物资,时间为2年。
资格条件: (一)根据我公司《招标管理标准》相关规定,本项目必须以公开招标方式实施,以及加纳相关法规要求,投标人应为加纳注册、具备独立法人资格 (二)投标人必须在其投标文件中提供相关数据供招标实体审查,以证明其符合资格标准的最低要求。 (三)业绩要求:投标人应在食品供应领域内具有至少1个有效业绩,有效业绩是指:2014年5月1日至投标截止时间投标人有已完成执行的食堂物资供应的业绩(以合同签订时间为准)(证明文件:提供业绩合同复印件加盖投标人公章或电子章,证明文件中需体现订购内容、数量及签订日期等)。 (四)规模要求:投标人需要在加纳拥有自营的农场或超市,需要提供超市或农场的详细资料,包括但不限于农场具体位置、农场种植面积、蔬菜种植品种、家禽养殖品种、超市具体位置、超市面积等。 (五)本项目不接受联合体投标,不允许转包、分包。 (六)投标人在提交密封的投标书或报价之前,必须提交以下证书和必要的证明,以证明其根据加纳法律和相关法规合法经营。 1. 投标人公司注册证书副本 2. 投标人开业证书副本 3. 投标人的VAT注册证书副本 4. 投标人简介
文件获取开始时间(公告发布开始时间): 2024-05-14 16:01 文件获取截止时间: 2024-05-19 16:01
质疑截止时间: 2024-05-19 16:01 澄清、修改、答疑截止时间: 2024-05-20 17:00
递交文件截止时间(公告发布截止时间): 2024-05-30 18:00 开标时间: 2024-05-30 18:00
文件获取地点: 加纳
开标地点: 加纳
采购单位名称: SUNON ASOGLI POWER (GHANA) LIMITED 采购单位地址: 深圳市福田区振兴路16号
联系人: Rayman 联系电话: (+233) 0247794030
对外监督人员: 对外监督电话:






